DANUBE RIVER BASIN ENHANCED FLOOD FORECASTING COOPERATION (DAREFFORT) – DANUBE TRANSNATIONAL PROGRAMMEProject duration: June 2018–May 2021 The project is co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and ENI) Up-to-date information can be found on the site www.interreg-danube.eu/dareffort The Danube Region is the most international river basin in the world with many crucial tributaries. 14 countries have major catchments along the River Danube. Occurrence of floods in the Danube river basin is increasingly frequent (2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2013 and 2014), urging the need for a more effective and better harmonized regional and cross-border cooperation in the field of flood forecasting. Floods does not recognize political and administrative borders, but provoke international cooperations on basin level to reduce flood risks. The need for enhanced cooperation in flood protection was officially recognized in international and interregional policy documents like EUSDR PA5 and PA4 Action plans, the EU Floods Directive (EU FD 2007/60/EC) and the first FRMP of the Danube region. Main objectives of the project :
Target groups to whom this project is addressed:
Project outputs:
NIMH is a partner in the project and will participate in all work package activities.By participating in the project, the communication and relations with other partners in the Danube River basin will be strengthened in the field of flood forecasting and early warning systems for floods. The exchange of knowledge and good practices within the project will contribute to the development of flood modeling and forecasting in the Danube basin, which is one of the main research tasks of NIMH. he exchange of experience will expand our knowledge and capabilities in ice forecasting. |