Section “Hydroforecasts”
By following the common for NIMH goals, “Hydroforecasts“ section is implementing, scientific-applicable and scientific-researching tasks in the field of operative production of hydrological information and products.
The operative activity of the section includes:
- Online processing and archivation of the information for the ground and underground waters for a certain number of "operative" points in the territory of the country. Organization and maintainance of the expert group of the cross-coutry forecast and warning system in case of danger and disasters on river Danube. Organization and maintainance of the Bulgarian - Greek system for warning and forecast of floodings on river Struma. ;
- Daily preparation of informative and forecasting materials for:
- Main tributaries of Danube for the countries from the Danubean region;
- Main power cascades in the mountain regions of southwest Bulgaria for the National Elecricity Company;
- Weekly preparation of informative and forecasting materials for:
- Cross-border rivers and the biggest river basigns for the national media;
- Cross-border rivers from the White sea basign for the MEDHYCOS project of mediterranean countries;
- Monthly preparation of informative and forecasting materials for:
- Surface and groundwater in the territory of the country for the buletines of NIMH and MOEW,
media and other institutions;
- Preparation of informative and forecasting materials for the ground and underground waters with
different time-spans in case they are recquested from:
- Goverment and other goverment institutions;
- National security institution;
- Media, civil organizations and other;
Scientific-applicable and scientific-research activity
Because of its small staff count the section is developing no more than 2-3 in the direction of modelling and forecast of ground and underground waters, which in the most cases are in cooperation with the developed countries, or research programs of EU, WMO, NATO and thers. In the last ten years the section successfuly finished number of national and international projects on the programs for scientific and technical cooperation with Spain and Norway, PECO programs of EU, Copernicus, Danube Applied Research Program, and others. Scientific-applicable activity of the section includes mostly the development of methods, sftware, different kinds of books.
In the present moment the section is heading the implementation of the following projects
- European flood forecasting system - EFFS, funded bu the EU and 5FP;
- Natural Baseline Quality In European Aquifers: A Basis For Aquifer Management, UK - BaSeLiNe,
supported by 5FP of the European Commission;
- Water Information System for Decision Support, France – WOISYDES,
supported by 5FP of the European Commission;